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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras M.Tech. Programme 2014

M.Tech. Programme 2014
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

M.Tech. Programme 2014
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Applications are invited for admission to M.Tech programme

M.Tech programme is offered in the Departments of Aerospace Engg., Applied Mechanics, Chemical Engg., Civil Engg., Computer Science and Engg., Electrical Engg., Mathematics (Industrial Mathematics and Scientific Computing), Mechanical Engg., Metallurgical and Materials Engg., Ocean Engg., and Physics (Solid State Technology). In addition, interdisciplinary programmes in Catalysis Technology, Nuclear Engg. and Petroleum Engg. and M.Tech. in Clinical Engineering are also offered.

GATE Qualified Candidates & IIT Graduates

For Sponsored & Other Category Candidates

*click on the Programme name to see the Eligibility Criteria.

User Oriented Programmes (UOP)

User Oriented Programmes are designed to meet the specific requirements of the user industries.

  • One Time Payment
  • Semester Fees
  • Deposits (Refundable)
  • Payable to the Chairman, Council of Wardens

Notes/ Exceptions
@ Subject to revision
* Only for students who opt for hostel accommodation in the campus.
** SC/ST Students are exempted from payment of Tuition Fee. Sponsored candidates have to pay tuition fee of Rs. 25,000/- per semester.
*** Day Scholars also have to pay this amount.

Fees are subject to revision from time to time as decided by the Institute

Initial Payment during Offer of Admission
When Admission is offered and accepted by candidates, an amount of Rs.1000 shall be paid as Advance towards Institute Fee/Processing Fee. Online Payment facility will be available on the website. The remaining amount of Institute Fee shall be paid online before the date of reporting for Admission at the Institute (21st July 2014). The link for payment of the remaining amount will be made available to the concerned candidates. In case a candidate withdraws his/her offer of Admission, the initial payment of Rs. 1000 shall be treated as Processing Fee and will not be refunded.

For GATE Qualified Candidates and IIT Graduates with B.Tech. Degree :

In case of difficulty in applying ONLINE, please contact

The application fee should be paid online at the online Application website

Last dates:

For applying Online : 12.04.2014, 23:59 hrs.
For receipt of signed applications at GATE Office : 15.04.2014

Before you start filling the ONLINE application form, please pay attention to the following :
  • Carefully read all the instructions given herein.
  • Study Tables 1, 2 and 3 carefully, along with details of Programmes in Section 3.
  • If you satisfy the minimum requirement (Section 2.7 A/B), choose your options from Table 1 (also refer Tables 2 and 3) and decide your choices of Programmes. Note that Programme codes ending with Y indicate HTTA and N indicate N-HTTA.
  • Note the following additional Suitability Test/ Interview (refer Table 3) requirements for :
    • Associate membership holders of various recognized professional societies applying for MA1 Programme.
    • Candidates with XE Gate Paper, applying to AM1, AM2, CE2 and CE4 Programmes.
    • ZE/ZS candidates must upload a complete list of courses studied during their degree Programme with syllabi. They may be considered for admission to the Programmes relevant to the discipline of their qualifying degree as decided by the concerned Departments. If they are considered, they may have to take suitability test/interview.
    • Candidates having degrees obtained through Distance Education/Correspondence Mode, who apply to AM1, AM2, CS1, MA1, MM1, OE1, OE2, PE1 and PH1.
    If you are called for the Suitability Test/ Interview, you need to be present to be considered for that particular Programme. Even if you do not attend the Suitability Test / Interview for a particular Programme, you will still be considered for the other Programmes that you have chosen in your application and that do not require Suitability Test / Interview.
  • Keep ready the soft copy of the following documents (if applicable) for uploading at the website : The upload instructions will be available on the online application website.
  • Exercise utmost care in choosing the order of choices as the process of selection is computerized. An error in the list of choices may even lead to rejection of your application.
  • Complete the application in all respects. No changes in the application are permitted afterwards.
  • Do not submit more than one application form.
  • Application Fee should be paid online at the online application website.
  • After completing the online application form, take a print out of your online application, affix your recent passport size photograph and sign.
  • Your signed application form (downloaded copy) should reach The Chairman, M.Tech. Admission Committee, GATE Office, IIT Madras, Chennai 600036, on or before 15th April, 2014.

For Sponsored Candidates :

  • Before filling the application form, ensure that you satisfy the minimum requirements.
  • While filling the choices, follow column (3) (Discipline Code) of Table 1. The Programme codes should not end with Y or N as HTTA is not applicable to the sponsored candidates.
  • Along with the application form, the candidate should enclose (not stapled) the Sponsorship Certificate, SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) certificate (if applicable) and certificate by competent Medical Board for Persons with Disability (PwD) candidates (if applicable).
  • Your filled-in application form with relevant enclosures should reach The Deputy Registrar (Academic Courses), IV Floor, Administrative Block, IIT Madras, Chennai 600036, before April 21, 2014 by post.
Sl. No. Department / Degree / Programme Discipline Code Code (for Choices) No. of Seats
1. Department of Aerospace Engineering – M.Tech. in Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering AE1 AE1Y 12
AE1N 3
2. Department of Applied Mechanics – M.Tech. in Engineering Mechanics and M.Tech. in Biomedical Engg.
Engineering Mechanics (Fluid Mechanics/Solid Mechanics) AM1 AM 1Y 10
AM1N 2
Biomedical Engineering AM2 AM 2Y 6
AM 2N 1
3. Department of Chemical Engineering – M.Tech. in Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering CH1 CH1Y 27
CH1N 5
4. Department of Civil Engineering – M.Tech. in Civil Engineering
Building Technology an d Construction Management CE1 CE1Y 7
CE1N 1
Environmental Engineering CE2 CE2Y 6
CE2N 1
Geotechnical Engineering CE3 CE3Y 7
CE3N 1
Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering CE4 CE4Y 6
CE4N 1
Structural Engineering CE5 CE5Y 13
CE5N 3
Transportation Engineering CE6 CE6Y 8
CE6N 1
5. Department of Computer Science and Engineering – M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engg.
Computer Science and Engineering CS1 CS 1Y 54
6. Department of Electrical Engineering - M .Tech. in Electrical Engineering
Communication System s EE1 EE1Y 17
Power Systems and Power Electronics EE2 EE2Y 11
Micro Electronics and VLSI Design EE3 EE3Y 14
Control and Instrumentation EE4 EE4Y 11
Photonic EE5 EE5Y 10
7. Department of Mathematics - M.Tech. in Industrial Mathematics and Scientific Computing
Industrial Mathematics an d Scientific Computing MA1 MA1Y 10
MA1N 3
8. Department of Mechanical Engineering - M .Tech. in Mechanical Engineering
Thermal Engineering ME1 ME1Y 36
ME1N 4
Design ME2 ME2Y 20
ME2N 4
Manufacturing Engineering ME3 ME3Y 18
ME3N 3
9. Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering - M .Tech. in Metallurgical and Materials Engg.
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering MM1 MM1Y 20
MM1N 4
10. Department of Ocean Engineering - M .Tech. in Ocean Engineering
Ocean Engineering OE1 OE1Y 14
OE1N 1
Ocean Technology* OE2* OE2Y 10
11. Department of Physics - M .Tech. in Solid State Technology
Solid State Technology PH1 PH1Y 11
PH1N 1
Interdisciplinary M.Tech. Programmes
12. M .Tech. in Catalysis Technology
(Co-ordinating Dept. – Chemical Engg.)
CA1 CA1Y 6
13. M.Tech. in Clinical Engineering
(Co-ordinating Dept. - Biotechnology)
CL1 CL1Y 16
14. M .Tech. in Nuclear Engineering
(Co-ordinating Dept. - Chemical Engg.)
NE1 NE1Y 12
15. M .Tech. in Petroleum Engineering
(Co-ordinating Dept. – Ocean Engg.)
PE1 PE1Y 12
Total Y 404
N 39
Total 443

Y – With Half-Time Teaching Assistantship (HTTA)
N – Without Half-Time Teaching Assistantship (N-HTTA)
* – Assistantship sponsored by NIOT

Discipline of Qualifying Degree Qualifying Discipline Code Eligible M. Tech. 2014 Programme Codes (to which applications can be submitted) For details on additional requirements for each Programme, refer Table 3
Qualifying Disciplines in Engineering / Technology
Aeronautic al/Aerospace Engg. AE AE1, A M1, AM2, CL1, CS1, MA1, M E1, ME2, ME3, OE1, OE2
Agricultural Engineering AG CE2, CE4, CL1, CS1
Architecture (B.Arch.) AR CE1, CE6, CL1, CS1
Automobile Engineering AU AE1, AM1, CL1, CS1, ME1, ME2, ME3
Biochemical Engineering BI CH1, CL1, CS1
Biomedical Engineering BM AM2, CL1, CS1, EE4
Biotechnology BT CE2, CL1, CS1, MM1
Ceramics CR CL1, CS1, MM1
Chemical Engineering CH AE1, AM1, AM2, CA1, CE2, CH1, CL1, CS1, MA1, ME1, MM1, NE1, PE1
Civil Engineering CE AE1, AM1, AM2, CE1, CE2, CE3, CE4, CE5, CE6, CL1, CS1, MA1, OE1, OE2
Computer Science CS AE1, AM2, CL1, CS1, MA1, ME3
Electronics and Communications Engg. EC AE1, AM2, CL1, CS1, EE1, EE2, EE3, EE4, EE5, MA1, ME3, PH1
Electrical and Electronics Engg. EE AE1, AM2, CL1, CS1, EE1, EE2, EE3, EE4, EE5, MA1, ME3, PH1
Energy Engineering EN AE1, CL1, CS1, EE2, ME1
Engineering Physics EP CL1, CS1, EE1, EE2, EE3, EE4, EE5, PH1
Environmental / Environmental and Civil Engg. EV CE2, CE4, CH1, CL1, CS1
Industrial Engineering IE CS1, CL1, ME3
Instrumentation IN AE1, AM2, CL1, CS1, EE1, EE2, EE3, EE4, EE5, ME3
Information Technology IT CL1, CS1
Mechanical Engineering ME AE1, AM1, AM 2, CE2, CE4, CL1, CS1, MA1, ME1, ME2, ME3, MM1, NE1, OE1, OE2, PE1
Manufacturing Engineering MF AE1, CL1, CS1, ME3, M M1
Machine Tool Engineering ML CL1, CS1, ME3
Metallurgical and Materials Engg. MM AE1, A M1, AM2, CL1, CS1, M A1, MM1, NE1, PH1
Marine Engineering MR CL1, CS1, ME1, OE1, OE2
Naval Architecture NA AE1, AM1, CL1, CS1, MA1, ME3, OE1, OE2
Petroleum Engineering PE CL1, CS1, ME1, PE1
Production and Industrial Engg. PI CL1, CS1, ME3
Production Engineering PR AE1, CL1, CS1, ME3, MM1
Other Disciplines in Engineering / Technology ZE AE1, AM1, AM 2, CA1, CE1, CE2, CE3, CE4, CE5, CE6, CH1, CL1, CS1, EE1, EE2, EE3, EE4 , EE5 , ME1, ME2, ME3, MM1, NE1, OE1, OE2, PH1
Qualifying Disciplines in Science
Chemistry CY CA1, CS1, MM1
Geology and Geophysics GG CS1, PE1
Maths/Applied Maths MA CS1, MA1
M.Sc. Computer Science MC CS1
Master of Computer Applications MP CS1
Materials Science MS CS1, MM1, PH1
Nanotechnology NT CS1, MM1
Operations Research OR CS1
Physics/Applied Physics PH CS1, EE5, MA1, MM1, NE1, PH1
Statistics ST CS1
Master’s Degree in Life Sciences ZL CS1
Other Disciplines in Science ZS AE1, CA1, CH1, CS1, ME1, ME2, MM1, NE1

Sl. No. Programme Code Eligible Discipline Codes HTTA Non-HTTA Additional Requirements
1. AE1 AE 3 0 GATE Paper must be AE, CE, ME or XE
ME 6* 2*
AU , CE, CH, EN, MF, MM, NA, PR 2* 1*
CS, EC , EE, IN , ZE, ZS 1* 0
2. AM1 AE, AU, CE, CH, ME, MM, NA, ZE 10 2 GATE Paper must be AE, CE, CH , ME, MT or XE (Test/Interview for XE GATE Paper)
AM2 BM 2 1 GATE Paper must be AE, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, IN, ME, MT or XE (Test/Interview for XE GATE Paper)
IN 2* 0
AE, CE , CH, CS, EC, EE, ME, MM, ZE 2* 0
3. CA1 CH , ZE 3 0 GATE Paper must be CH or CY
CY, ZS 3* 0
4. CE1 CE 4 1 GATE P aper must be AR or CE
AR 2 0
ZE 1 0
CE2 CE 4 1 GATE Paper must be AG, BT, CE, CH,
ME or XE (Test/Interview for XE GATE Paper)
AG , BT, CH, EV, ME, ZE 2* 0
CE3 CE 6 1 GATE Paper must be CE
ZE 1* 0
CE4 CE 3 1 GATE Paper must be AG, CE, ME or XE (Test/Interview for XE GATE Paper)
AG 2 0
EV, ME, ZE 1* 0
CE5 CE 12 3 GATE Paper must be CE
ZE 1* 0
CE6 CE 6 1 GAT E Paper must be AR or CE
AR , ZE 2* 0
5. CH1 BI, CH , EV, ZE, ZS 27 5 GATE Paper must be CH
6. CL1 AE, AG, AR, AU, BI, BM, BT, CE, CH, CR, CS , EC , EE, EN, EP, EV, IE, IN, IT, ME, MF, ML, MM, MR, NA, PE, PI, PR, ZE 16 0 GATE Paper must be AE, BT, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, IN, ME, MN, MT, PI, TF or XE
7. CS1 Al l Disciplines of Qualifying Degree 54 0 GATE Paper must be CS
8. EE1 EC, EE, EP, IN, ZE 17 0 GATE Paper must be EC
EE2 EC, EE, EN, EP, IN, ZE 11 0 GATE Paper must be EE
EE3 EC, EE, EP, IN, ZE 14 0 GATE Paper must be EC
EE4 IN 7 0 GATE Paper must be IN
BM, EC, EE, EP, ZE 4 GATE Paper must be EC or EE
EE5 PH, EP 5 0 GATE Paper must be PH
EC, EE, IN, ZE 5 GATE Paper must be EC, EE or IN
9. MA1 MA 6 3 Screening process and suitability test for Associate membership holders of various recognized professional societies
PH 2* 0
AE, C E, C H, CS , EC , EE, ME, MM, NA 2* 0
10. ME1 ME 34 3 Nil
AE, AU , CH , EN , MR , PE, ZE, ZS 2* 1
ME2 ME 18 3 Nil
AE, AU , ZE, ZS 2* 1*
ME3 ME 16 2 Nil
AE, AU , CS, EC , EE, IE, IN, MF, M L, NA , PI, PR, ZE 2* 1*
11. MM1 MM 15 3 Nil
BT, CH , CR, CY, ME, MF, MS, NT, PH, PR , ZE, ZS 5* 1
12. NE1 CH 3 0 GATE Paper must be CH, ME, MT, PH or XE
ME 3 0
MM 3 0
PH 3 0
13. OE1 AE, CE , ME, MR, NA, ZE 14 1 GATE Paper must be other than XL
OE2 AE, CE , ME, MR , NA, ZE 10** 0 GATE Paper must be other than XL
14. PE1 ME 3 0 GATE Paper must be CH, GG (with Part B Geophysics), ME or XE
GG 3 0
CH 3 0
PE 3 0
15. PH1 PH 9 1 Nil
EC, EE, EP, MM, MS, ZE 2* 0
  • * The indicated number will be considered as the maximum number of available seats for that group of eligible disciplines and the seats will be allotted from the combined merit list (along with discipline mentioned in the first row).
  • ** Assistantship sponsored by NIOT
  • ZE/ZS candidates must upload a complete list of courses studied during their degree Programme with syllabi. They may be considered for admission to the Programmes relevant to the discipline of their qualifying degree as decided by the concerned Departments. If they are considered, they may have to take suitability test/interview.
  • Candidates with degrees obtained through Distance Education/Correspondence Mode must take test/interview for the following Programmes: AM1, AM2, CS1, MA1, MM1, OE1, OE2, PE1 and PH1.
  • Applications of candidates with B.Tech. from IITs, applying for admission without GATE Score will be reviewed by the respective Department(s). They must upload the all Grade Card(s) pertaining to the B.Tech. Programme at the website.

For GATE Qualified Candidates :

Candidates qualified in GATE 2013 or GATE 2014 and satisfying any one of the following :
  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology/Architecture from educational Institutions approved by AICTE/Government.
  • Master’s degree in Chemistry/Life Sciences/Mathematics/Physics related subjects from educational Institutions approved by UGC/ Government
  • Degrees obtained through Distance Education/Correspondence Mode for the qualifying degree specified in [(i) or (ii)]. The Departments will follow test/interview procedure for screening in such cases.
  • Candidates yet to appear or have appeared in the final examination for the qualifying degree specified in [(i) or (ii)] and whose results are likely to be declared by July 15, 2014.
  • Associate Membership holders of the professional bodies for admission into their parent disciplines from the following :

For IIT Graduates :

Candidates graduating/graduated from IITs with B.Tech. degree and having CGPA of 7.5 and above for SC/ST and 8.0 and above for others can apply without GATE Score. These applications will be reviewed by the respective Department(s).

For Sponsored Candidates :

Candidates employed and sponsored (with full pay and allowances for 24 months) by industry / government organizations/ private and public enterprises, engaged in R&D work recognized by DST / engineering colleges recognized by AICTE, possessing at least two years of professional experience as on the last date of receipt of applications at IIT Madras can apply, provided they hold :

For Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) Candidates :

M.Tech. under Quality Improvement Programme (sponsored by AICTE) is advertised separately and the selection of QIP candidates is made through a test/interview.

For User Oriented Programmes (UOP) :

For Defence Sponsored Candidates :

M.Tech. Programme sponsored by Defence Authority (Research & Training and Post Graduate Training) is through a separate selection procedure.

For Foreign Nationals :

Foreign Nationals should contact “The Deputy Registrar (Academic Courses), IIT Madras, Chennai – 600036, India”.

  • GATE qualified candidates
  • IIT Graduates with B.Tech. Degree
  • Candidates sponsored by various organizations recognized by DST as Research and Development units, candidates sponsored by NIOT or from educational institutions approved by AICTE/UGC/ Government or from Government/Public Sector Undertakings
  • QIP candidates
  • UOP candidates of various organizations/industries as per the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Institute
  • Defence sponsored candidates
  • Foreign Nationals

The minimum requirement and admission procedure are different for different categories (A to G) and are given in Section 2.7. Candidates should contact the appropriate office for details as per the addresses listed in Section 2.6. Candidates belonging to categories C to G cannot apply through the Online Application Portal.

Seats are reserved for SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer) and PwD (Persons with Disability) candidates according to the Government of India rules.

If all the seats are filled during the first, second and subsequent offers, spot admission may not be operated.

Depending upon the final number of vacancies and availability of seats in different Programmes before the closure of admissions, some of the candidates, who have already applied but could not secure admission in the first, second and subsequent offers will be informed to appear before the Admission Committee at GATE Office of the Institute with relevant documents and fees. The list of candidates called for spot admission will also be displayed on the website.


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